Mountain Climbers with the Kettlebell

  • Degree of Difficulty 30% 30%

Kettlebell Exercise Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers on the Smashbell

Short Description
  1. Body is supported on the Smashbell. One leg bends under the body, the other is extended.
  2. Shift body weight forward and switch the legs.
  3. Alternate bending and straightening the legs.
Long Description
  1. The hands are placed with entended arms on the Smashbell. The shoulders are brought slightly over the Smashbell. The eyes are directed forwards and down and the head forms a line with the back. In the beginning position one leg is then bent to about a 90° angle. The other is extended backwards. Both feet point forwards and the heels are slightly lifted.
  2. To start the leg change, the bent leg pushes slightly so that the body weight is shifted forward and can be supported by the arms. The bent leg is then extended and the previously extended leg can be pulled in with the knee under the body.
  3. The legs are brought under the body by alternating bending and then extending them again.
Try your best not to lift your buttocks upwards.
Additional exercise instructions
With the exercise Mountain Climbers, the Smashbell is used as a point of support. This exercise is excellent for any warm-up.

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