Kettlebell Push in Squat with the Smashbell

  • Degree of Difficulty 30% 30%

Squat Kettlebell Push Squat Kettlebell Push

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Short Description
  1. The feet point forward and stand shoulder width apart.
  2. Hold Smashbells in front of the chest. Knees bend to a 90° angle. Upper body leans slightly forward.
  3. Arms holding Smashbell are extended forward.
  4. Arms bend and Smashbell is brought back in front of the body.
Long Description
  1. The feet are placed at shoulder width apart. The toes point forwards or slightly outwards. The weight is carried by the heels. The knees are bent at a 90° angle so that the thigh is parallel to the floor.
  2. The Smashbell is held in the starting position in front of the chest with bent arms. The upper body is bent slightly forward with a straight back.
  3. The legs stay in position and the thighs are held tight. While exhaling extend the arms from the elbows and hold the Smashbell forward. The arms should be parallel to the floor.
  4. While inhaling bend the arms. The Smashbell comes back in front of the chest and the upper arms are brought close to the body.
Keep the knees from bending over the front of the foot. Don’t let the shoulders roll forward, instead pull them back and together.
Additional exercise instructions

The Squat Push is a Kettlebell exercise that trains the legs statically. The arm muscles and body balance is trained additionally through the pushing motion.

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