Close Push-up with hands on the Sand-Pad

  • Degree of Difficulty 60% 60%

Sand-Pad Liegestütz Close Push-up with the Sand-Pad

Short Description
  1. Push-up position with hands on the Sand-Pad.
  2. Bend arms. Bring arms to the Sand-Pad.
  3. Stretch arm and press tense body back to the starting position.
Long Description
  1. In the initial position your hands are supported on the Sand-Pad. The palms are located just below the shoulder. Always keep a slight bend in the arms while stretching them to protect the elbow joints. The feet are placed close together. The whole body acts as a board and forms a line form the back to your feet.
  2. Bend your arms. Be sure to keep your elbows close to the body in order to optimally train the triceps. The chest is approaching the Sand-Pad, but not touching it. The whole body remains tense as a board during the movement.
  3. Stretch the arms and bring your body back into the starting position with the power of your triceps.
Try neither the keep your buttocks to far upwards nor to sag with your hips.
Additional exercise instructions

For the Sand-Pad exercise Push-up Close your arms are positioned with the hands close together on the Sand-Pad. The closer the arms are, the more the triceps is trained. The Sand-Pad also protects the wrists, because the hands are not overstretched.

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