Triceps training with the Suspension Trainer
- Degree of Difficulty 30%

Suspension Trainer Trizeps
Short Description
- Arms stretched forward, body leaning forward.
- Bend arms and move forehead to hands.
- Stretch arms and come back to the starting position.
Long Description
- The body is leaning forward. The arms are extended to the front and parallel to the ground. With palms facing down.
- The arms are bent at the elbow and the head gets closer to the hands.
- The arms are bent about 90 degrees and the hands are placed next to the head. The elbows are at shoulder height. With palms facing forward. The feet are placed only on the ball of the feet.
- The arms are stretched in the elbow and the body becomes erect.
Keep the body straight and avoid big fluctuations of movement in the shoulder! The greater the angle of inclination, the more intense the exercise.
Additional exercise instructions
The triceps exercise is a concentrated exercise for the arms and requires a good body tension.
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