Biceps exercise with the Suspension Trainer

  • Degree of Difficulty 30% 30%
14 Bizeps 2b

Suspension Trainer Bizeps Curl

Short Description
  1. Arms stretched, upper body leaning backward.
  2. Bend arms and pull hands to the head.
  3. Stretch arms and come back to starting position.
Long Description
  1. The body is inclined backwards and the arms are extended forward. Thereby the elbow will be raised. The palms face upwards.
  2. Bent the arms in the elbow. The elbows are approximately at shoulder height.
  3. The arms are bent. The elbow is raised and is located approximately at shoulder height. The palms show to your shoulders
  4. Stretch the arms slowly. Keep the body straight and the elbow maintained at shoulder height.
Bent the elbows up to cause the maximum contraction! Alternatively, you can exercise in
the single-mode (with only one arm).
Additional exercise instructions

This Biceps exercise is very focused on the biceps and requires a high degrees of body tension. Small changes of the inclination angle create an intense strain.

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