Biceps Curl with the Sand-Pad

  • Degree of Difficulty 60% 60%

Armtraining für Bizeps mit dem Sand-Pad Biceps-Curl with Sand-Pad

Short Description
  1. Feet are shoulder-wide. The Sand-Pad is in both hands. Your arms are extended.
  2. Bent your arms and bring the Sand-Pad to your chest.
  3. Move the Sand-Pad back to the initial position.
Long Description
  1. Hold the Sand-Pad with both hands and extended arms in front of your body. The legs are shoulder-wide and provide a stable stand. Your back is in a straight position and your shoulders are pulled back.
  2. Bent your arms in the elbow joint. Bring the Sand-Pad to the chest while fixing your upper arms and elbows as near as possible to your body.
  3. Move the Sand-Pad down in a fluid motion. Make sure to not extend your arms to the maximum.
Always try to move the Sand-Pad in a slow and controlled way. Have your elbows at a fix position.
Additional exercise instructions

The Biceps-Curl with the Sand-Pad is a typical exercise for your arms. It improves mainly the strength in the arm flexors and provides a defined structure of your biceps.

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