Lift Sand-Pad with one arm to shoulder

  • Degree of Difficulty 60% 60%

Sand-Pad Schultertraining Clean One arm shoulder lift with Sand-Pad

Short Description
  1. Body is bent forward. Extended arm holds the Sand-Pad shortly above the floor.
  2. Pull Sand-Pad to your chest.
  3. In turning point flip it over to the shoulder.
  4. Bring back the Sand-Pad to initial position.
Long Description
  1. Your feet are shoulder-wide. Legs and knees are bent. Body is slightly bent forward. One arm hangs extended closely above the floor, holding the Sand-Pad. Make sure that  your back is in a straight position while bending forward.
  2. The Sand-Pad is pulled close to the body and in one line upwards to the chest. Legs and hips are stretched to generate the movements impulse.
  3. In front of the chest turn your elbow and hand backwards, so that the Sand-Pad lies on the shoulder of the trained arm. The upper part of the body and legs are in one line in this position.
  4. To bring the Sand-Pad back to the initial position, lift the pad through a slight extension of the arm. Keep it close to the body while bringing it back to the floor.
Your back needs to be always in a straight position. Move the Sand-Pad every time close along your body.
Additional exercise instructions

The Sand-Pad exercise “One Arm Lift to Shoulder” affects many different joints. Muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulders are activated in the exercise.

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