Push-up with lifting the Sand-Pad

  • Degree of Difficulty 60% 60%

Sand-Pad Push-up Lift-up
Push-up mit Anheben des Sand-Pad

Short Description
  1. Push-up position with one hand on the Sand-Pad.
  2. Bent your arms and move your chest down, shortly above the floor.
  3. Extend your arms and lift the Sand-Pad to shoulder level.
  4. Put down the Sand-Pad.
Long Description
  1. In the initial position one hand is on the Sand-Pad. Your hands are set shoulder-wide apart, your feet stand close together. All core muscles are under tension holding the body in a stable position.
  2. Bent your arms and lower your body. The chest goes down to the floor and stops shortly above the ground. You are looking to the floor to protect your neck.
  3. Extend your arms and come back to the initial push-up position. At the same time raise lift the Sand-Pad to chest level.
  4. Lower the arm again. Try to maintain balance and don’t change your body position.
Make sure that your buttocks are not too high and that your hips are not too low.
Additional exercise instructions

In the the Sand-Pad exercise Push-up wide Lift one hand is placed on the Sand-Pad. Because of that, the musculus serratus anterior is more activated than in normal push-up. The raising of the Sand-Pad also provides a strengthening of the upper back muscles.

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