Kettlebell Workout for all Smashbell und Kettlebell users

The kettlebell training is a useful addition to strength training not only for professional athletes. Especially athletes with little time benefit from the short and effective workouts that are possible with a kettlebell. The Smashbell behaves very similar to a kettlebell during training. With respect to the material there is are some larger and with respect to the training some minor differences.

Especially for beginners the training with the kettlebell provides one not to be underestimated danger of injury. Given the conventional kettlebell mostly consists of iron, it can quickly lead to bruises when incorrect execution is performed. With the beginner-friendly Smashbell this is not going to happen. Read more in our article on the differences between Smashbell and Kettlebell.

For getting into kettlebell training with this workout we recommend a Smashbell with 12kg of weight for men and a 6kg Smashbell for the ladies. Already two training sessions a week are sufficient for great improvements in the important areas of explosive power and a better posture.

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