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The classic Squat with a Suspension Trainer

[progress percentage=”30″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”green” unfilledcolor=”75755″ striped=”” animated_stripes=”” textcolor=”757575″]Grad der Schwierigkeit[/progress] [fusion_tabs layout=”horizontal” justified=”” backgroundcolor=”” inactivecolor=”red”] [fusion_tab title=”Exercise Picture”]

Sling Trainer Kniebeuge

Suspension Training Squat Starting Position

Schlingentraining Kniebeuge

Suspension Training Squat Final Position

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[separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”1″ bottom_margin=”1″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=””]The squat is one of the most elemental exercises of the leg-workout. By lowering the buttocks backward the knee joint (patella) is relieved and the musculature gets specifically trained.

Short description

  1. Arms long, upper body leaning backward.
  2. Bend legs and lower buttocks.
  3. Stretch hip and legs to come back to starting position.

[separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”1″ bottom_margin=”1″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=””] Long description

  1. Standing on both legs, the upper body is lightly leaned back. The arms are long and the Suspension Trainer is under tension.
  2. The body is moved backward by flexing both legs up to the desired angle.
  3. In the final position the arms are stretched and the upper body is upright and eventually lightly leaned forward. The weight is on the heels. The knee joints are strongly flexed. The heels are completely placed on the bottom.
  4. The body is straightened up again by the power of the legs. The legs are stretched in the hip and the knee joint, the back remains upright.

[tagline_box backgroundcolor=”” shadow=”” shadowopacity=”” border=”1px” bordercolor=”black” highlightposition=”” content_alignment=”” link=”” linktarget=”” button_size=”” button_shape=”” button_type=”” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”” description=”The weight must be completely on the heels of both legs. Do not move your knee over the top of your foot. The deeper you lower your buttocks, the more intensive the exercise is. If knee problems exist, you should not move below a flexion of 90 degree.” animation_type=”fade” animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”.2″][/tagline_box]