Functional Training Movements lernen:
[popover title=”Learn Smashbell exercises” title_bg_color=”#dd1c1c” content=”Kettlebell training or something more? The Smashbell offers some advantages over the simple kettlebell.Thus, the material not only protects the floor when setting the Smashbell down, but the body as well.” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”top” class=”” id=””] [/popover] [popover title=”Use Suspension Training to your advantage” title_bg_color=”#dd1c1c” content=”Use your onw body weight while working out with the Gymbox Suspension Trainer. The trainee can quickly change the exercises and also the difficulty of each exercise.By pressing the X-Button you can adjust the strap length.” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”top” class=”” id=””][/popover]
[popover title=”Exercises with the Sand-Pad” title_bg_color=”#dd1c1c” content=”The Sand-Pad is a new training device, which fully corresponds to the motion of functional training. The Sand-Pad offers incredibly many exercises. Our exercise ideas inspire you to peak performance – guaranteed!” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”top” class=”” id=””][/popover] [popover title=”Training instructions for Sandbag” title_bg_color=”#dd1c1c” content=”Training instructions for Sandbag” title_bg_color=”#dd1c1c” content=”The Sandbag is certainly not a simple training device. It is important to become fully familiar with the training device. With our exercise routines, we help you to start properly.” content_bg_color=”” bordercolor=”” textcolor=”” trigger=”hover” placement=”top” class=”” id=””][/popover]